You may be forgiven for thinking that the wildlife of Nairn consists of a couple of thousand seagulls, several dozen ducks and two swans!
But there's more, much more............

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Summer visitors

The past few weeks have seen the return of our summer visitors, first to arrive were the Sand Martins, closely followed by House Martins and Swallows.

These birds seem to arrive on overcast, almost foggy days, with many congregating from the Harbour and up the river to the Jubilee Bridge. They spend several days flying up and down this area feeding and building up their strength after their long journey here. After a few days the numbers drop and they disperse to their summer residences where they can be seen throughout the summer swooping and chittering until it’s time to go.

Sorry there are no pictures available at the moment, neither me nor my camera are fast enough to catch these aerial superstars!

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